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Endo, Tamaki. 2012. “Risk Response of Urban Lower Class in Bangkok” in Hayami, Y., M. Nishi, and S. Kimura (eds), Rebuilding Human Sphere , Kyoto University Press, pp.239-269. (In Japanese)
Home/Endo, Tamaki. 2012. “Risk Response of Urban Lower Class in Bangkok” in Hayami, Y., M. Nishi, and S. Kimura (eds), Rebuilding Human Sphere , Kyoto University Press, pp.239-269. (In Japanese)
Endo, Tamaki. 2012. “Risk Response of Urban Lower Class in Bangkok” in Hayami, Y., M. Nishi, and S. Kimura (eds), Rebuilding Human Sphere , Kyoto University Press, pp.239-269. (In Japanese)